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Live & Local logo  We’re really excited about or forthcoming visit from Rob Heron and the Tea Pad Orchestra, thanks to our friends at Live & Local.The guys will be playing in the Assembly Room Theatre on Friday 27 November– doors open at 7pm for a 7.30 start. Tickets cost £9 or £7 concessions and are available online, here…

Drinks available at the bar.

<a href="https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/date/183481"> <img border="0" width="130" height="56" alt="Book now" src="https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/images/bookNow/bookNow-black-small.png"> </a>

Hailing from Newcastle, Rob and the guys play their own brand of Western Swing, Blues, Gypsy Jazz and Country or “North-Eastern Swing” as they’ve coined it. Their style is eclectic- influenced by early 20th century American music – with razor-sharp solos, great arrangements and modern songs with and wistful glance to the past. Their songs are full of satire and good old fashioned hollerin’. Check them out…

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