01629 810152

Volunteer, Donate, Attend, Spread the Word

How You Can Join In

Become a Member

Join Bakewell Town & Community Trust for just £10 and help keep the Town Hall relevant and responsive to local people. Members can become trustees, overseeing our activities and making sure we fulfil our charitable aims. 

Be an Advocate

Word of mouth is so important to us- spread the word, tell your friends, share our social media posts. Tell people about our cinema- invite friends and family to an event or join one of our community groups


We are a small team. You can help us do more for Bakewell by volunteering to help at one of our events. Lend a hand on the door or take care of our performers. Distribute our posters and flyers. It’s a great way to help out and see some of the best performers, right on your doorstep. Fill in the contact form below.

You and Your Friends Can Be Arts Advocates!

Come to a show, join a group, spread the word, volunteer. Help us to continue to bring the best arts and activities to Bakewell. Stay close to home- its better for your pocket and the planet.

Other Resources

Helpful information for friends wanting to get involved.

How To Be a Voice for the Town Hall

  • Join our mailing list and find out what’s on
  • Volunteer for an event
  • Distribute our flyers and posters
  • Tell your friends and family about the great events and activities at the Town Hall.


How do I volunteer?

Use the contact form below and introduce yourself! Tick the boxes to let us know what you’re interested in. We will be in touch. When you become a volunteer you will have access to the volunteer area of the website, where you will be able to sign up to help at upcoming events, and access useful information.

Do I need special skills?

While we welcome experitise it is not required- enthusiasm for the community and the Town Hall is the main thing. We will show you the ropes and arrange training if necessary.

What are the benefits of volunteering?

You’ll get to see the show for free! And the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to preserve the town  hall for the enjoyment of the community for future generations.

What volunteering opportunities are available?

Our main need is for an extra pair of hands for our shows. We need people to check tickets, direct people to our facilities, or look after our performers. We also need help distributing our publicity materials- a poster in your local shop or flyers in the pub is a big help. 

Will training be available?

Yes. If you are involved in our events we may arrange fire safety training so you can safely assist should we ever need to evacuate the building. We will informally induct you into the Town Hall, showing you how things work. If you would like training in a specific area, we will do our best to train you in-house, or arrange external training should the need arise.

Is the Town Hall a Charity?

Yes! The Town Hall is run by Bakewell Town & Community Trust, a charity and a company limited by guarantee. The Trust has the Town Hall on a lease and operates the building for the benefit of the people. There are four members of staff, overseen by a board of trustees.

Can I become a trustee?

Yes! First you must become a member by joining the Trust. It costs £10 a year. You can then apply to be a trustee. We welcome a wide range of people from all walks of life. You don’t need special skills but we wel ome people with a love for the arts, specialist skills in fundraising and experience in the charity sector.

Donate Today or Get Involved

Help Put Bums on Seats By Donating Today!

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